The Heritage City
Travel guidance
Hotel Loksagar is grandeur for Tourists
Mysuru is a historical and best tourist place which has a symbol of the glory of an ancient time. It was ranked no 1 as the cleanest city in India. which is famous for its rich cultural heritage, and the erstwhile capital of the Wodeyars, it is grandeur for travelers with its quaint charm and rich heritage. Visitors can explore some of the city’s magnificent places such as Mysore Palace, The Brindavan Gardens, Chamundi hills the Railway Museum, and the Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary, many more.
We provide travel assistance
Hotel Loksagar provides all kinds of travelling assistance for our guests on the basis of their stay at our hotel. We have tie-ups with local travel agencies which is cost effective and can cover all the places based on your duration of the stay. We provide the best guidance to tourists and make your visit a Pleasant and worthy.

Air ticket booking
Fly High

Enjoy the view of the city

Cab Booking
Book your way
Building Memories

About us
Hotel Loksagar is the best place and a new heritage destination to stay in Mysore which is located in the heart of the city.
#268, Lakshivilas Road, Jaganmohan Palace Circle, Mysore-570001, Karnataka, India
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